Financial Analyst
William Wiseman joined the accounting department of Rosenwasser / Grossman Consulting Engineers, P.C. in 2016 as part of the Precise team – a financial management firm that works with RGCE since 2014. Prior to his arrival, he studied finance and communications at West Virginia University, which prepared him for his current role as a financial analyst. With the guidance of Lili Papadakis, William has become an integral part of the administrative staff. His main duties are to assist with the billing and collection process, and to ensure the correct management and control processes are in place to keep the firm running smoothly, as part of the Precise methodology. He also analyzes the financial position of the company to support the decision making of top level management. William’s attention to detail and hard work has helped Rosenwasser / Grossman Consulting Engineers, P.C. maintain its distinction as one of the most respected structural engineering firms in the world.